Well actually it feels like its already here, doesn't it?! It's been so warm in Sydney lately that you'd be forgiven for thinking that summer has started! Alas, its still over 20 days away - but no worries, that just means more time to prepare for the silly season! cue fun summer music! ummm... 'we like to party' by the Vengaboys? haha..
Anyway... Ignoring the poor (but unbelievably catchy) song choice, some of my favourite things to do leading up to and during summer include:
Eating mangoes! Literally everyday, because what could possibly be a better start to the day or make you happier then eating a sweet, awesome mango for breakfast every morning?! (pretty sure the answer is nothing..) oh.. maybe world peace?.. possibly... ;)
mmmm juicy! |
Drinking water! Waters always good (and necessary) but during summer, drinking it just feels like less of a chore and more like a glass of refreshing awesomeness. So drink lots!
I knew you wouldn't completely understand 'glass of water' unless i proved a visual... ;) |
Vitamins! I've been taking vitamins for a while now and I really do think they generally make me feel better - more energetic etc. So if you don't already take vitamins, I recommend you start immediately! I take fish oil, flaxseed oil, iron plus and vitamin C everyday, and if you don't wanna take all those tablets, get a multi vitamin. Super easy! :)
nothing suss... |
Moisturising! It's too cold in winter to wait around for your moisturiser to dry, don't you think? But in summer the high temperatures make it dry way faster, so moisturise away and reap the rewards of awesome, smooth skin! As well as regular moisturisers there are ones that offer 'body conditioning and toning' benefits*... *supposedly. I find the one im trying out at the moment (Garnier Body Tonic) does make my skin look firmer, but i'm guessing exercise is a big part of it - so while these lotions are fun to try - don't expect miracles!
So ladies,
Do you love mangoes as much as I do? (doubtful..) ;)
Do you take any vitamins? Which ones?
Do you hate moisturising in winter too? Its so cold and my clothes stick to it, if I don't let it dry for long enough :S lol
-Kathy xx
LOVE mangoes! My favourite fruit! Take regular vitamins but I sort of fail at the drinking water part. :P