(check out my update at the bottom of this post!) :)
I’m sure now that we are all grown up many of us don’t find Halloween candy that fascinating anymore (if we ever did!)…. However, all budding beauty enthusiasts must acknowledge that a dress up party for Halloween is a fantastic time of year to experiment with make up!
I thought I would get into the Halloween spirit a little this year:
I named him "Trevor" |
As I will be working said All Hallows Eve, rather than go all out on face makeup I thought I’d have a little play around with nail art.
I think Sally Hansen has read my mind, and has come up with some fantabulously ghoulish limited edition salon effect nail art strips!
Ok since posting this, I have come up with a few pointers about carving a pumpkin, based on personal experience:
1. Don't plan to use the inside of the pumpkin for cooking soup or ...anything... I had to run out and buy more pumpkin for the planned pumpkin pie after I failed miserably at saving the insides of the pumpkin (which looked gross enough that you wouldn't want to eat it anyway)
2. Cover your pumpkin with plastic and put it in the fridge during daytime. Trust me, that pumpkin will detoriate like it's nobody's business...After a night away from home, I returned to the pumpkin patch (a la my house) and found that my pumpkin was no longer a nice orange shade -rather he'd 'gone green' -and not in an environmentally safe sense, rather a mouldy and downright disgusting sense....
3. Get that moudly pumpkin outta there! -did anyone else know they collapse????? the bottom of the pumpkin gave way, and what was left was something out of a horror movie (pumpkin themed, perhaps we could call it 'nightmare on pumpkin street' or 'silence of the pumpkin' or 'the rocky horror pumpkin show')....i was left with a sloppy pumpkin mess that has turned me right off pumpkin carving for a good few yeras (I even removed my pumpkin nail polish, grrrr)
All I can is.. no pumpkins will be taking part of my next year Halloween festivities!!!!!!!!!!
A ghastly zombie green, spooky spider webs and eerie (although I think they are just plain adorable) mini ghosts are included in the collection, perfect for accessorising your outfit (and the spider webs would look awesome on toenails!)
Sally Hansen Salon Effect Nail Strips retail for around $14.95AUD (one pack will be enough for a full set of nails)
After my pumpkin carving escapades I am loving all things orange hued for my chosen Halloween flavour:
I used Orly nail polish, in shade “Papaya Punch”
So tell me:
-What is your favourite Halloween make up?
-Are you dressing up this year?
-What do you think about the Sally Hansen limited Edition Nail Strips?